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TopHap, Inc. Launches New Residential Real Estate Analytics Platform to Transform Real Estate Research

(San Francisco, CA) TopHap, Inc., a new market intelligence platform for real estate professionals, launched its first fully-featured suite of residential real estate analysis tools. TopHap’s goal is to empower agents with highly visual, investor-grade data and analytics tools. TopHap’s visual analytics make it easy for any agent to harness the power of big data and deliver the most accurate and insightful analysis to clients.

“Over nearly two decades in residential real estate, I saw that our biggest struggle was getting the kind of data and analytics that professional investors rely on into the hands of our agents and in front of our clients,” said TopHap’s CEO and Co-founder Anton Danilovich. “Real estate buyers and sellers are far more sophisticated today and increasingly are demanding the kind of analysis and insights that they see in other industries. TopHap delivers those insights for one of the biggest decisions a client will ever make in their lives and helps agents provide the value and trust that clients are seeking.”

TopHap provides direct access to the largest real estate data set in the industry. The platform integrates hundreds of data layers consisting of billions of data points into its visual analytics and learning engines -- assembling everything a real estate agent needs to effectively analyze a property in one place.

“Most other products in this industry are either just home search tools or market report services. We are finally bringing true analytics to real estate data,” said Dennis Khvostionov, TopHaps CTO and Co-Founder. “We are using modern machine learning and data processing techniques to provide a way to dynamically assess properties, neighborhoods, and even trends so that people can have deep confidence in their evaluation of a property.”

Through the power of Artificial Intelligence, TopHap’s Automated Valuation Model (AVM) utilizes large contextual data sets to determine how obvious and non-obvious characteristics drive a particular property’s true value over time. It provides the most accurate assessment of value in the industry and unlocks the ability to easily understand and forecast how regional trends and property modifications impact value.

The platform’s new Comparative Market Analysis tools (TopHap CMA+) enable a level of comparison between regions, neighborhoods, properties, and other market characteristics that have never been seen in the industry.

“When a user browses TopHap’s tools, they’ll quickly understand how even a single street is ultimately its own micro-market, pulling the curtain back on the factors that make real estate worth what it’s worth,” said Craig Rowe of Inman Real Estate News.

TopHap, Inc. revolutionizes the way real estate professionals conduct research with the most data-driven and comprehensive real estate analytics platform in the industry. TopHap’s powerful investor-grade tools utilize the power of deep data and artificial intelligence (AI) to generate insights for any professional. Headquartered in San Ramon, CA, TopHap is launching throughout California with plans to grow nationwide. To learn more visit tophap.com or email contact@tophap.com for questions.