We spend so much time analyzing characteristics of neighborhoods, cities, zips and regions based on property characteristics.
What about the most important part of any community? The people. With our community analytics layer category you can do just that. Understand everything there is to know about the people in any given region.
The Population layer shows you the number of people living in a zip code.
The Population Density shows you the number of people living in a zip code per square mile.
The Female and Male Population layers show you the percentage of males and females living in any particular zip code.
The Median Age layer comes in hand when you or your clients are moving into an unfamiliar location. This can be useful for clients want to live amongst their peers, no matter what age.
The Marriage layers (Never Married, Now Married, Divorced, Widowed and Separated) show you a percentage of people with a specific marital status in a given zip code.
With the Blue Collar and White Collar Occupations layers you can quickly see the occupation make up of the areas.
The Average Employee Salary layer allows you to see what the average employee salary is in any given zip code.
The Median Employee Salary layer shows you the median employee salary of people per zip code.
Per Capita Income shows you the average individual income of people in a zip code. As opposed to average salary, which could include, self employed income, rental income and other income types besides salaries.
The number of Households layer allows you to see how many households are in a given zip code.
Average Family Size helps you can better understand the size of families that are living in a zip code.
Average Household Size layer allow you can see how many people reside in a single household. Differing from Average Family Size as it includes non family members.
Household Income filters uncover the median income of households in this area.
Disposable Household Income layer will display the average amount of disposable income of the people living in any given zip code.
Household Expenditures layer allows you to see households average living expenditure. This includes food, furniture, entertainment, insurance etc.